Flexible solar panel de 60W - 12V

Product no.: SOL014
Old price 172.00 €

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Flexible Solar Panel 60W and 12V. Photocatalytic cell efficiency of 19.6%.

Completely customizable.


The range of Flex panels are high-efficiency flexible solar modules with the highest efficiency cell on the market (Sunpower), have yields of up to 20% or higher, which allow power generation up to 25-30% higher than conventional photovoltaic modules of the same size.


When using the technique of posterior contact, the cell can be coated with flexible materials to finish forming the flexible high efficiency solar panel. This type of solar panel can be used in a wide range of fields.


  1. Yachts and boats
  2. Generation of energy on roofs
  3. Electric cars for golf
  4. Patrol cars
  5. Cars for tourism
  6. Travellers


Código de barras 8435438826847
Modelo Flex060W24V
Máxima potencia (Pmax) 60W
Tensión a máx. potencia (Vmp) 35.2 V
Corriente a máx. potencia (Imp) 1.71 A
Tensión en circuito abierto (Voc) 42.3 V
Corriente en circuito abierto (Isc) 1.86 A
Coef. temperatura Isc 2.2 mA/ºC
Coef. temperatura Voc -60.8 mV/ºC
Coef. temperatura Pmax -0.38 %/°C
Eficiencia de célula No
Eficiencia módulo 19.60%
Tensión máx. sistema -
Tolerancia de potencia +-5%
Temperatura nominal de la celda -
Tamaño de célula (mm) No
Número de células 64
Peso neto 0.93 kg
Dimensiones (Al*An*Pr) 725*535*3 mm
Marco -
Cristal -
Cable -
Tipo de conector No
Protección IP No





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